Okra contains no cholesterol very low total fats and is very high in folates, thiamine, vitamins C, A and K as well as significant quantities of niacin vitamin E. pantothenic acid pyridoxine and riboflavin.
Okra also contains significant quantities of minerals such as calcium, iron magnesium manganese phosphorus and zinc.
Okra has long been known and used as a very effective but very gentle laxative this is due to its very high fibre content together with its gelatinous substances which absorb water, swell and so ensure the bulky stools that prevent constipation.It is also reputed to help lower serum cholesterol in the blood stream and as a stabilisation agent for blood sugar in diabetics. This is because of its high fibre content which makes it a have a very low glycaemic index.
Method to prepare bhindi (okra) soup:
Take 6-7 raw bhindis (okras) and wash them thoroughly.
Slit them lengthwise (do not cut the bhindi-Okra into two halves, just slit them).
Boil them in one litre of water till the water is reduced to half. Strain this liquid and drink it plain or with salt and pepper if you so desire.
You mat throw away the boiled bhindi (okra), do not squeeze the bhindis (okras) while straining.
Having bhindi (okra) water is also useful, the method is wash and cut 3-5 bhindis (okras) lengthwise in two pieces or in two halves and soak them overnight in some water.
The next morning, remove the bhindis (okras) from the water and drink that water.
Doing this regularly will make the sugar level normal within a couple of months.